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Suddha Nityananda Parivara Vaisnava

The Sunday’s festival

Spiritual meetings in Jahnava Mandir

They are an important part of Bhakti Yoga. Held every Sunday, events have also become very popular for all friends of  the Jahnava Mandir Temple. Meetings, where we are sharing the way of life of a yogi, here in the West. Many people are surprised how it is possible to do everything in this joyful atmosphere of joy and love. Yes, it is possible 🙂

We start early in the morning, with our usual spiritual program, and slowly slowly, people are arriving.

Vegetarian feast

We cook all together succulent vegetarian preparations to satisfy the Temple Deities Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. And then we take Their divine remanants. We are lovers of life and nature, so infusions of medicinal herbs of all kinds are on the dayily order … And thanks to our loving cow Surabhi, never felt a glass of milk. Authentic, ecological, without the blessed EEE and milked by hand (whoever wants to be able, is invited to help with milking).

Mantras and more devotional songs

Of course in our Temple there is no shortage of kirtans or bhajans, chants of mantras … But also devotional songs of all kinds are sung, either in the oriental style, flamenco, or in one’s own style. Of course, always accompanying it with all kinds of instruments from hughe temple collection. Starting with caratalas or mridanga from India, up to the Spanish guitar. The purpose of these songs that are realized by the heart and directed to the Supreme personality of Godhead, is to awake the Bhava – spontaneous feelings of unconditional love to God. And in the association with people who have a pure consciousness, innocent and full of peace, one can naturally savor the exotic and sincere Prema, pure devotional love.

In these spiritual feasts, the Swamis of the Temple, headed by Sri Guru Maharaj, Swami Prema Krishna Das Babaji, commonly teaches classes of Bhakti yoga. Often pastimes of wisdom, fables, funny stories and all such a positive things are told, imagination without limits. Everything is very spontaneous and personal. It is not by chance, we are pure spiritual family of Lord Sri Sri Nityananda Rama: Suddha Nityananda Parivara Vaisnava.

Healthy and natural fun for everyone

Also, thank God, there is a lot of space to discover in the ecological farm, especially for the little ones. In our field, there are currently many animals; there are several donkeys, horses, a dwarf ponny (soon to have a small one). Also dogs, chickens, ducks, pigeons, fish and turtles in the pool, etc. And the sweetest thing at the end: our beloved cow Surabhi!

Of course, all present can participate in the activities in the field, either in the garden, or with the animals. The union is strength, and activities in nature are a source of vital energy. They help to connect us with our Being and finally with the Creator of the same material nature. They are the best therapy.

The asociation with yoguis makes you understand

(Not only…) in the spiritual celebrations of Sundays we share our Ashram, our service and all our heart with the good souls that come close. They are also given the opportunity to express themselves and share their best, in a place free of selfishness or vanity. And this has no value, since today, in other places it is quite scarce. For this reason we do not charge any type of entry. We believe that there is not enough money in the world to pay for it…

Sadhu sanga, sadhu sanga – sarva sastre kaya

Lava matra, Sadhu sange – sarva sidhi haya

The verdict of all revealed scriptures is

that even for a single moment of association

with devotees, full success can be achieved.

But as much as we’re going here to explain, some things are better to check in your own skin, do not you think? ; )
See you at the Sunday’s party!

Haribol! Haribol! Haribol!





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